Sunday, December 13, 2009

Technology Action Plan

Action Plan for Integrating Technology

Part 1 = Gathering Information
The following groups will each be assigned a task. Each task will help see what is needed for us to integrate technology into the classroom better. All groups will return their findings to the superintendent.
1. Campus Principal
a. Go to a school in another district that has successfully integrated technology
b. Determine what technology campus will need
2. Site-Based Committee
a. Determine what technology campus will need
b. Determine how community will feel about increasing technology
3. Technology Director
a. Inventory technology that district already has
b. Determine what technology district needs
i. Prioritize list
ii. Try to find technology that will compliment technology that district already owns
c. Determine the increase in funding needed for upkeep of additional technology
d. Determine cost of professional development to educate staff about new technology
4. Special Needs Director
a. Determine what grants there are for technology
b. Determine if the school is eligible for these grants
i. If so, begin paper work for grant
ii. If not, what does the school need to do to become eligible?
5. Curriculum Coordinator
a. Determine what technology campus will need
b. Determine if it will be more cost efficient to move away from paper books in the classroom
6. Business Manager
a. Determine what the school has budgeted for integrating technology
b. Determine if the school can pull funds out of other budgets to increase technology budget
7. Committee of Department Heads.
a. Go to a school in another district that has successfully integrated technology
b. Determine what technology campus will need

Part 2 = Creating and Approving Plan
At this point the Superintendent, Campus Principal, Committee of Department Heads, and the Site-Based Committee will create a plan that includes what technology will be purchased. Using a sort of checks and balances procedure will ensure that the best plan is created. The Superintendent will then take the plan to the School Board for approval. If approved, the technology will be purchased and begin to be implemented.

Part 3 = Implementing the technology
1. The new technology will be given to the teachers for 2 weeks to allow the teachers time to become accustomed with the new technology before receiving professional development.
a. During these two weeks the teachers will be given a technology placement exam. This exam will identify the teachers’ high and low points of technology knowledge.
b. The campus principal will then decide on what professional development needs to occur for the technology to actually be used.
2. The staff will receive professional development about the new technology.
a. Professional development will provide staff with both knowledge of product and specific examples of how to use the technology within their teaching field
3. The staff will receive professional development based on their low points from the technology placement exam.
4. The principal will hold a staff meeting to tell the staff what is expected of them with the new technology.
a. Staff will be told that they are expected to use the technology in class
b. Staff will be told that refusal to do so will result in nonrenewal or reassignment within the district
5. Principal will monitor use of technology through use of classroom walkthroughs, technology sweeps, by monitoring classroom computers through his computer, and by just asking the students.
a. The assistant principal, curriculum coordinator, and the technology director will also aid in this process.
6. After three months will hold a refresher professional development. At this time teachers will be asked to show ways that they have used the technology in the classroom.

Professional Development Planning
Teachers will be given a technology placement exam to allow the administration to provide professional development that the teacher’s actually need. The teachers will also be provided with professional development that will provide the staff with the knowledge needed to use the new technology.
Professional Development to be given:
1. How to use technology that was purchased
a. Teachers will be broken down by subject and shown how to use the hardware for their classes
2. Copyright Laws
a. Teach ethical legal behavior for technology
b. Teach teachers to teach students the same behavior
3. Protecting Students from Online Predators and Themselves
4. Good Search Engines
a. Teachers will learn how to use search engines better and more efficiently
5. After three months with the technology, will have teachers show examples of how they are using the technology

Evaluation Plan
1. Evaluate Professional Development
a. Principal will email teachers asking what professional development that they believe that they need
b. After each professional development the principal will email teacher about what the teachers learned in the professional development
c. Campus principal will attend each professional development
2. STaR Chart
a. Each year principal will review both teacher and campus STaR Charts

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